Education and Mediation Center Argumenta promotes mediation as an alternative way of resolving conflicts and disputes in all areas of social life.
Consultation +381 11 3344 001


Mediation is a form of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) between two or more parties, with the assistance of a neutral third party, the mediator. It is a voluntary process, which is carried out only if all parties agree. One of the biggest benefits of mediation is that it allows the parties to resolve their problems in a peaceful manner that meets their mutual needs.

All mediation procedures are confidential and mediators are accessed without prejudice, and all sensitive information is fully protected.

Mediation allows you to fully explore all the solutions and different angles of the problem with your Mediator before deciding whether you are ready to discuss it with the other party, opening up new avenues for risk-free settlement. An agreement on the settlement of a dispute reached in mediation has the force of a contract, that is, an out-of-court settlement. An agreement may be given the power of an executive document if it contains an enforceability clause - a statement of the debtor that he agrees that the creditor (the other party to the mediation) may initiate enforcement proceedings, as well as if the signatures of the parties and the mediator are certified by a notary public.

About Us

Education and Mediation Center Argumenta sees mediation as a way to democratize legal process by making it accessible and affordable. Mediation is strongly promoted by courts around the world and it is a practice that is constantly evolving. Litigation rules are highlighting mediation as a key pillar of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR).

Our expertise in mediation is comprehensive and covers a wide range areas of dispute. The details of all our mediations remain strictly confidential, and we tailor all our services to the specific nature of your problem, whether it is a private, business or commercial dispute.

When people asked us why they should choose mediation, we answer that mediation simply works! By comparison, at least 50% of litigants will lose. Our role is to achieve the desired result with reduced costs, lost time and most importantly without damaging relationship.

Areas of Activity

Education and Mediation Center Argumenta promotes mediation as an alternative way of resolving conflicts and disputes in all areas of social life. Through our activities we improve the conditions for the application of mediation and point out its benefits. Education and Mediation Center Argumenta implements mediation and negotiation procedures in civil, commercial, labor, consumer, criminal and other mediation-related procedures and disputes. There is almost no area of ​​social life that is not suitable for mediation, and we successfully implement it when conflicts and disputes arise in the local community, conflicts arising in cases of discrimination, disputes within the financial sector, bankruptcy and enforcement proceedings, as well as all disputes that may be found before courts and administrative authorities.

Education and Mediation Center Argumenta actively participates in social life through research work, organizing lectures, discussions, focus groups, and includes working with “difficult” parties / people, career counseling, team building training and the like.


Our mediators are highly skilled, specialized in various areas of mediation and trained to handle difficult situations. Our team uses specific methods and skills, assists in negotiation, aimed at reaching a mutually acceptable agreement. The mediator assists in drafting the agreement if the parties so wish. The Law on Mediation in Dispute Resolution provides that the Agreement must be in writing and signed by the parties to the dispute, by the mediator, as well as the legal representatives of the parties, if they participated in the mediation process. The mediator is not an arbitrator - he does not make a decision; He only manages the process, while the parties themselves control the outcome of the dispute.


Our mediators are highly skilled, specialized in various areas of mediation and trained to handle difficult situations. Our team uses specific methods and skills, assists in negotiation, aimed at reaching a mutually acceptable agreement. The mediator assists in drafting the agreement if the parties so wish. The Law on Mediation in Dispute Resolution provides that the Agreement must be in writing and signed by the parties to the dispute, by the mediator, as well as the legal representatives of the parties, if they participated in the mediation process. The mediator is not an arbitrator - he does not make a decision; He only manages the process, while the parties themselves control the outcome of the dispute.

Svetlana Anđelković

Mediator at the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Serbia - specialist in commercial litigation and mobbing; Mediator in the Serbian Chamber of Commerce in the procedures of consensual financial restructuring of companies; Founder of the National Association of Mediators of Serbia.

Đorđe Milošević

Djordje Milosevic has over 20 years of experience in management positions in the corporate world that have enabled him extensive practice and communication skills in the area of alternative dispute resolution. He is actively involved in mediation and at the same time participates in the development of mediation in Serbia and the region. Due to numerous cases in which his advisory role involved solving problems in conflict situations, he was gladly hired as a guest lecturer at various institutions. He is licensed by the Ministry of Justice as Intermediary and listed in the Register of Intermediaries of the Ministry of Justice. He maintaines mediation in Serbian and English language.

Svetlana Anđelković

Mediator at the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Serbia - specialist in commercial litigation and mobbing; Mediator in the Serbian Chamber of Commerce in the procedures of consensual financial restructuring of companies; Founder of the National Association of Mediators of Serbia.

Đorđe Milošević

Djordje Milosevic has over 20 years of experience in management positions in the corporate world that have enabled him extensive practice and communication skills in the area of alternative dispute resolution. He is actively involved in mediation and at the same time participates in the development of mediation in Serbia and the region. Due to numerous cases in which his advisory role involved solving problems in conflict situations, he was gladly hired as a guest lecturer at various institutions. He is licensed by the Ministry of Justice as Intermediary and listed in the Register of Intermediaries of the Ministry of Justice. He maintaines mediation in Serbian and English language.

Our mediators are highly skilled, specialized in various areas of mediation and trained to handle difficult situations. Our team uses specific methods and skills, assists in negotiation, aimed at reaching a mutually acceptable agreement. The mediator assists in drafting the agreement if the parties so wish. The Law on Mediation in Dispute Resolution provides that the Agreement must be in writing and signed by the parties to the dispute, by the mediator, as well as the legal representatives of the parties, if they participated in the mediation process. The mediator is not an arbitrator - he does not make a decision; He only manages the process, while the parties themselves control the outcome of the dispute.

Our Mission & the Values we Cherish

We save you money, time and stress. We resolve a contractual dispute between a company and their strategic supplier to preserve a mutually beneficial supply chain. We help you to reach an agreement in the dispute between friends and business partners, in order to save business and friendships. Avoiding high costs and unwanted publication of litigation. Minimizing animosity between family members when dealing with complex family and property relationships.

Our motive is confidentiality, flexibility, equality, better communication and a Win-Win strategy.


You can contact us on the following phone numbers or you can send us a message directly from our website. Before sending the message please read the disclaimer.

Kosovska 34
11 000 Beograd
Republic of Serbia

+381 11 3344 001
+381 11 3344 002
Fax: +381 11 3344 001

About Us
Areas of Activity
Mission & Values
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